Computer Repair & Data Services
The Surplus Exchange offers a wide range of services for computer diagnostics, repair, and more. If you have got an issue you would like us to take a look at, give us a call or drop on by. We usually ask that you allow 2 business days for repair services, but some items can be handled while you wait. Take a look at the list below for the services and pricing offered by our Tech Shop.
Diagnostic services– $25
The diagnostic fee is applied towards any repair work then done on the machine.
Data Wipes– $15
Hard drives cleaned to U.S. Department of Defense 5220.22 Standards
Data Transfers– $25
Have data on your old hard drive that you would like moved over to a new one? We can help.
Computer repairs– $45 per hour
Most repairs are completed within the first hour. Parts cost are in addition to the hourly rate.
Remove viruses and malware– $45
Install/reinstall legal operating system and all required drivers– $45
(Provide original CD with COA. No burned copies please.)