The principal Mission of The Surplus Exchange is to take the materials
we receive from our donor businesses and make them available for reuse by
the Nonprofit community at as low a cost as possible.
Virtually any charitable, service, or religious organization possessing
a 501 (C)(3) classification with the I.R.S. is eligible to join The Surplus
Exchange. Membership is only $50 and it’s lifetime, so no additional
membership or maintenance fees are ever assessed, (organizations purchasing
a new NPO Technologies computer
receive a membership, or $50 furniture coupon, as part of the purchase price).
Nonprofit members may shop the six-floor, 50,000 square foot “garage
sale” either personally or by phone, for needed items, paying only
a modest handling fee. Currently, about 1,500 charities are members of The
Surplus Exchange and it is estimated that in 1996 they collectively
saved about $340,000 by utilizing The Surplus Exchange.
The Surplus Exchange also offers programs for the clients of the
agencies we serve, such as The Learn and Earn Computer Education Program
and The Occupational Training Program.
About 80% of the organizations that are presently members of The Surplus
Exchange are based in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. The other 20%
are regional or national organizations. For organizations outside our area,
we do ship most goods.
If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know!
Help spread the word!
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Ph: 816-472-0444
Fax: 816-472-8105
e-mail: [email protected]